About Us


Imagine if we could educate someone who never dreamt about doing his MBA and make him the CEO of a company! Imagine, if we could empower a broken youth through higher education! It would undoubtedly cause a huge social and economic transformation.

All about IBS is this dream to tap into the creativity and innovative capacity of the every student. We will continue to give first class education and campus life that will send their career skyward.

The vision that began in 2010 grew with every passing season. It has been indeed a joy to watch it grow.

Vision of IBS


As a visionary leader, the President of IBS, Bishop Joab Lohara has envisioned many things. IBS is one of them.

When he sent his eldest son to study MBA in a reputed B-School, it cost him a great deal. When his younger son wanted to take up an undergrad course in Business Administration, the fee structures were sky high for a middle class family.

The question that bothered him was, “Wasn’t a Management Degree in the destiny of a poor child?

Is it fair that a brilliant child be deprived of higher education because of financial constrains?”

If poverty shatters the dream of the youth and holds them back from upward social mobility, there must be an institution or a person that could come alongside and help them in their pursuit of higher education.

The seed for a Business School for Minorities was planted in the midst of these aching thoughts.

God has brought together some men of integrity and expertise to stand and support this vision. They are committed to actualizing the vision of making IBS an academically entrepreneurial B-School and to offer a cutting edge learning experience that has a real world impact in economic and social transformation.

Actually the vision is bigger than this. We want to be able to develop this institute into a University with programs such as Education, Hotel Management, Social Work, Mass Communication, Economics, etc.

It will be a University one day with a view to offer them education with value and empower them educationally, socially and economically.

This does not mean education at IBS is free. Sometimes free things lose their value. MBA is not a charity program; it is for the deserving students who are industrious, intelligent and have a will to conquer. We will try to be as much helpful so there is an opportunity even for a Poor Student to be an achiever.

IBS is a global learning community. We invite you to be part of this community. We bring the world to IBS, so you could go global.

We also invite those who think of “Higher Education to the Poor” to partner with us

History Of IBS


When we visited Solipet in 2010, it was an inhospitable barren land with wild bushes and outcropping rocks. There was no electricity, no running water, no structures, no campus plan and nobody. We took up the challenge of developing a center for higher education. Today it is a beautiful 20-acre campus. Here is how the vision grew:

  • 2010: Seed for a Business School was planted. We started purchasing land, and designed a campus plan.
  • 2011: India Governing Board and Friends of Immanuel Academy were formed.
  • 2011: First India Board Meeting - October 21, 2011
  • 2011: Foundation Stone laid for IBS building- October 21, 2011
  • 2011 November: Applied to AICTE for accreditation
  • 2012 May: IBS was approved by AICTE, Ministry of HRD, Government of India
  • 2012: Affiliation was grant to IBS by JNTU, Hyderabad
  • 2012, May 16: MBA building, Cafeteria, Security room and maintenance rooms were inaugurated.
  • 2012 July: Faculty & staff were appointed.
  • 2012 September: First semester commenced.
  • 2012 November: Foreign Faculty visited under the guidance Dr. James Coe
  • 2012 November: IBS Guest House ground floor was dedicated
  • 2013 January: Foreign Faculty visited under the guidance of Dr. David Goodnight
  • 2013 January 24: Marble sign at the main Gate and Neon sign on IBS building
  • 2013 January 25: President's Scholarship was announced
  • 2013 May: Ground breaking for Men's Residence Hall.
  • 2013 October 7: IBS sponsored Associate Professor Sheela Samson and 4 MBA students to visit U.S.A. on educational tour.
  • 2013 October 28: Ground breaking ceremony for IBS Auditorium
  • 2014 September: Second cohort of students were sent USA on study tour
  • 2014 November: Men's Residence Hall & Guest house were built
  • 2015 January: Beautiful McKenna College of Education, and a 1000-seat Auditorium were dedicated
  • 2015 January: First Commencement Celebration was held with 100 per cent placements.
  • 2015 April: Foundation for Women's Residence Hall was laid.
  • 2015 October: Third cohort of students with Assistant Professor Sosan Bhushan traveled to USA in October on study tour.
  • 2016: Women's Residence Hall was inaugurated. Approval being sought to initiate Bachelor of Education and Diploma in Preschool teacher education in the campus. Second commencement ceremoney was held in January. Fourth cohort of students visited USA in October on study tour.
  • 2017: A two-storey guest house was completed. Commencement for third cohort of MBA students was held in January.
  • 2018: Commencement ceremony for fourth cohort of MBA students was held in January. Affiliation is already granted by JNTU-H for the academic year 2018-19. First International Conference was organized in IBS campus. BA, BCom, and PG courses were introduced under Kakatiya University. Value added Wild leadership course was launched.
CALL NOW: 7702055399, 040-2717 5308
Email: ibssolipet@gmail.com